Friday, October 27, 2006

The Science of Sleep

A film’s visual design is usually developed in accordance with what the story demands. It is a concept that director Michel Gondry clearly enjoys reversing. A veteran of the music video world, Gondry is always focused on the visual scheme of his projects, and his stories are structured in such a way as to accommodate this scheme. This would not be a problem if the screenplay were exceptionally well written, as was the case with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (which Gondry directed from Charlie Kaufman’s script). However, The Science of Sleep does not possess such a screenplay. The story concerns a shy calendar artist named Stephane (Gael Garcia Bernal), who has a curious knack for controlling his own dreams. As he sleeps, he has no trouble breaking them down in a rather pragmatic fashion. The problem is that when he awakens, he has a hard time returning back to reality. How much of his dream world has spilled over into his real world, and vice versa? A woman named Stephanie (Charlotte Gainsbourg) has recently moved in next door and Stephane shows no initial interest in her; however, when he finds that he is falling for her within his dreams, he naturally follows suit in real life. It’s a nice premise, and the actors are certainly charming enough to hold your interest. The problem is that the film forces the viewer to journey throughout its many random scenes, most of which are void of any cohesion. No doubt this is meant as an attempt to project a dreamlike quality, but all it really does is add to the emptiness of the picture. The style might work for a dream, but it renders a movie somewhat dissatisfying. The acting and the visuals still make it worth watching, but in the end, the best compliment to give this film would be to call it “interesting.”

Directed by Michel Gondry.
Written by Michel Gondry.
Starring Gael Garcia Bernal, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Alain Chabat, Miou-Miou and Emma de Caunes.

Rated R for language, some sexual content and nudity. 105 min.

*** so says The Fish


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