Monday, October 09, 2006

Superman Returns

The Man of Steel is finally back after a 20 year hiatus through the efforts of former X-Men helmer Bryan Singer. The result is good, but not as good as such a long wait warrants. While the visuals Singer’s team have come up with are top-notch, the storyline is less-than-riveting, which is odd considering the film was edited in a manner of months, yet languished in script development for over 10 years. One would think all the kinks had been ironed out. In addition, Kevin Spacey seems more like Gene Hackman’s meaner cousin than the diabolical Lex Luthor fans have been anticipating. In the end however, the film rests on the shoulders of its star, and thankfully newcomer Brandon Routh is perfect in the dual role of Supes and Clark Kent. Any shortcomings the film might have are almost all but forgotten due to him. Almost.

Directed by Bryan Singer.
Written by Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris.
Starring Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth, James Marsden, Frank Langella, Parker Posey and Kevin Spacey.

Rated PG-13 for some intense action violence. 154 min.

*** so says The Fish


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