Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy Feet

An animated penguin movie had to come out sooner or later, and what better time than on the heels of the Oscar winning documentary March of the Penguins. One can just picture a studio executive watching that film and saying “This gives me an idea.” Happy Feet is a wonderfully realized and charming feature about Antarctic life, and it will undoubtedly be a success for the simple reason that it is impossible to look at a baby penguin without going “Aaawwwwww….” The story revolves around an awkward young penguin named Mumble (Elijah Wood), whose parents (Nicole Kidman and the very busy Hugh Jackman) try everything they can to teach him how to sing. As the film shows, the world of emperor penguins is dominated by singing, and those who can’t—like Mumble—just don’t fit in. He does prove himself to be a terrific tap dancer, but as his father tells him “That just ain’t penguin.” Inevitably, Mumble becomes an outcast and ends up going on an incredible and touching journey that only an animated feature can provide. The final act comes way out of left field and will be fascinating for adults, albeit somewhat disturbing for kids. The film is directed by George Miller—who seems to get increasingly sentimental as he gets older, having started his career on Mad Max, moved on to Lorenzo’s Oil and then most recently helmed Babe: Pig in the City—and it features some truly groundbreaking animation. Happy Feet is a delightful film that will appeal to all audiences.

Directed by George Miller.
Written by Warren Coleman, John Collee, Judy Morris and George Miller.
Starring Elijah Wood, Robin Williams Brittany Murphy, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman and Hugo Weaving.

Rated PG for some mild peril and rude humor. 98 min.

****½ so says The Fish


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