Monday, October 09, 2006

The Illusionist

Strong acting and a superb production design help out this somewhat confusing tale of a magician who becomes a sensation in 19th century Vienna. The always reliable Edward Norton plays Eisenheim the Illusionist, a seemingly authentic man of magic who captures the attention of the masses, in addition to the law—in the form of a bearded Paul Giamatti—and certain members of the Royal Family, namely one Prince Leopold (played with wicked relish by the underrated Rufus Sewell). Jessica Biel gives a surprisingly good performance as the long, lost love of Eisenheim’s past, now thrust suddenly back into his life as the soon-to-be bride of the nefarious Prince. Director Neil Burger does good job of reeling in the viewer’s attention, particularly when it comes to the entrancing scenes of magic; however, there is too much that is left unexplained by the end of the movie and this causes more than a moment’s frustration.

Directed by Neil Burger.
Written by Neil Burger.
Starring Edward Norton, Paul Giamatti, Jessica Biel and Rufus Sewell.

Rated PG-13 for some sexuality and violence. 110 min.

*** so says The Fish


At 11:13 PM, Blogger Giancarlo said...

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