Saturday, November 25, 2006


Writer, director and star Emilio Estevez assembles an intimidating cast of well-known actors to bring to life the day that Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. Taking place at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, the film follows about two dozen various employees and guests as they prepare for the Presidential candidate’s victory address, scheduled for later that evening. Each cast member represents an aspect of American life that somehow defined the 1960s, and every bit of dialogue contains a message or warning that comments directly on what our world is experiencing today. The success of such a high-minded script rests entirely on the performances of the actors. Some of them—such as Freddy Rodriguez, Laurence Fishburne and Sharon Stone—are superb. Others—like Helen Hunt, Demi Moore and Elijah Wood—fall incredibly short. Estevez deserves credit for being able to juggle so many characters with such ease, and his skills as a director are certainly evident. The film is infused with a looming sense of tragedy that increases as the day passes on, and when the moment of the assassination finally arrives, it is executed with such raw, cinematic precision that viewers will feel as though they were actually present when it happened. Bobby is not a perfect film, but it packs quite an emotional wallop. One cannot help but wonder how different the world would be today had Sirhan Sirhan not walked into that hotel kitchen.

Directed by Emilio Estevez.
Written by Emilio Estevez.
Starring Freddy Rodriguez, William H. Macy, Anthony Hopkins, Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Laurence Fishburne, Helen Hunt, Martin Sheen, Shia LaBeouf, Elijah Wood and Christian Slater.

Rated R for language, drug content and a scene of violence. 120 min.

***½ so says The Fish


At 8:16 AM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Dear Fish,
Your review of Bobby is right on. There are some great performances and some disappointing ones, and no real plot tying the movie together--it is more of a snapshot of a day. It certainly leaves you shaken, however, and wondering where this country would be if RFK had lived. I really enjoyed it.


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