Sunday, December 31, 2006

Rocky Balboa

In 1976, when the first Rocky was released, audiences were introduced to an underdog hero who would soon develop into one of the most memorable screen characters of all time. The film went on to win Best Picture at the Oscars and was promptly followed by four sequels which, more than anything, tended to overstay the character’s welcome. Nobody wants to see a beloved film icon fizzle out with a succession of poorly made films, ending with the particularly depressing Rocky V. Fortunately, writer/director/star Sylvester Stallone has now made Rocky Balboa and ended the franchise on a note worthy of the character. After trudging through sub-average Rocky-fair for many years, audiences might be surprised by how good this film actually is. For the first time since the original, Stallone has decided to take the focus off of the final bout, and relies simply on the charm of the characters. Some time has passed since Rocky has lost his wife Adrian, and even more since he last fought professionally, but he has moved on by focusing on his restaurant business. His estranged son has become frustrated that he will never be able to move out from beneath his father’s shadow. And just when Balboa begins to feel the depression of inactivity sinking in, he watches a computer simulated fight on television in which he is pitted against a modern day fighter named Mason Dixon. The buzz around the mock fight escalates, encouraging promoters to set up the real thing, and soon Rocky finds himself training to get back in the ring for one last dance. It’s rousing, moving, first-class entertainment and it will have you cheering all the way!

Directed by Sylvester Stallone.
Written by Sylvester Stallone.
Starring Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Antonio Tarver, Geraldine Hughes, Milo Ventimiglia and Tony Burton.

Rated PG for boxing violence and some language. 102 min.

**** so says The Fish


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