Monday, October 09, 2006

Half Nelson

A teacher can possess a vast amount of knowledge and can even inspire students to shape their lives into something meaningful. That, at least, is what Dan Dunne tries to do when he is not drugged up and lying on the bathroom floor. Ryan Gosling, in an emotionally raw and shattering performance, plays Dunne as a man thoroughly conscious of how the world operates and has nothing but the greatest hopes for those around him. Unfortunately, his good intentions are offset by his utter disregard for his personal life. Shareeka Epps is wonderful as the understanding student who befriends Dunne when he is at his lowest state. Shot almost entirely hand-held, first-time director Ryan Fleck shows amazing control with the camera, and is also able to bring out some incredibly real performances from his actors. At times, it’s very easy to forget that this is all a movie.

Directed by Ryan Fleck.
Written by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck.
Starring Ryan Gosling, Shareeka Epps and Anthony Mackie.

Rated R for drug content throughout, language and some sexuality. 106 min.

*** so says The Fish


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